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The artistic style is very good, I love his cute style. I also really liked the water shader and the overall post-processing effects of the game. The player idle animation loop should be corrected. I liked it a lot, good job!

I really liked the scene, the theme makes you curious, along with the music, it makes you want to explore the world. I hope you decide to improve it in the future, it would be interesting to see what powerups you give to your character, create different levels, non-players, improve the physics of the objects and also the character. Very good exercise, congratulations, keep learning, keep improving. 😎

I really liked the game, the experience was fun and I feel that the color palette you used conveyed a visual freshness. The movement that the player makes has a correlation with the music, what I would improve would be the fluidity of the jump.

Great visuals and music, makes the game stand out immediately. love how the character seems to be bumping in place at the rythm of the music.

The jump is a bit confusing, sometimes is really high and other time is a bit short. If there are different types of jump, maybe an icon or something to show  when you can do each? Also the camera should follow the player slightly from above, controlling with the mouse is somewhat hard because of how fast it goes.

Great health system, having items to replenish it is a great way to help the player go all the way to the end and enjoy the game fully.

Thank you for review!, I'll take your suggestions into account, I'm going to fix the mouse sensitivity and the camera movement.